Research Published on 01/05/2024

est enseignant-chercheur au Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris-Saclay (LMPS) au sein duquel il est responsable de l'opération de recherche (OR) Dynamique des Sols et Structures, Génie Parasismique et Séismologie computationnelle. Il vient de recevoir le Prix de l’Association Française du Génie Parasismique (AFPS) pour ses travaux permettant d’évaluer la vulnérabilité sismique des ouvrages en béton armé et en maçonnerie. Ce prix a pour but de favoriser les études et recherches novatrices menées dans le domaine du génie parasismique et récompense la qualité des travaux de Cédric Giry dans ce domaine.

Cédric Giry is a researcher at the Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris-Saclay (LMPS), where he is in charge of the research operation (OR) Dynamique des Sols et Structures, Génie Parasismique et Séismologie computationnelle. He has just been awarded the Prix de l'Association Française du Génie Parasismique (AFPS) for his work in assessing the seismic vulnerability of reinforced concrete and masonry structures. The aim of this prize is to encourage innovative studies and research in the field of earthquake engineering, and to reward the quality of Cédric Giry's work in this field.

The aim of the OR project is to develop numerical tools for quantifying risk under severe dynamic loads (earthquake, rapid dynamics, etc.) on geotechnical structures and structures. This objective involves the development of advanced numerical resolution strategies, coupled with direct modeling of the key parameters of the problem (seismic source, propagation path, site effect). This reduces epistemic uncertainties in the analysis of phenomena occurring during an earthquake, within the framework of risk analysis.

In order to reproduce the complexity of the response of soil and structures, non-linear behavior models are developed, with the implementation of a formalism enabling their use and leading to a relevant description