Mastère Spécialisé® Cybersécurité (in partnership with Télécom Bretagne)
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Companies today are increasingly dependent on their IT systems, which is leading them to recruit information systems security managers. The role of this manager is to manage risks associated with this dependency. In this training program, we cover all knowledge an information systems security manager needs in order to manage the risks of the information system of which they will be in charge, both in terms of organizational security and IT security.
Mastère Spécialisé® Génie Civil des grands ouvrages pour l'énergie (in partnership with the École des Ponts ParisTech
Mastère Spécialisé® Stratégie et développement d’affaires à l’international (in partnership with EMLyon Business School)
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The aim of this course is to train students in business development and international business strategies. It is supported by the skills conferred by two large schools that boast complementary fields of expertise and networks. EMLyon Business School shares its know-how in management and entrepreneurship applied on a global scale, while CentraleSupélec teaches its specific knowledge of marketing and sales, and of the strategic environment in industrial sectors with high added value in terms of technology.
Mastère Spécialisé® Aménagement et construction durables
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This program trains non-specialized engineers to be able to pursue a variety of careers in a business sector that is rapidly growing: sustainable building and construction in developed and developing countries. Most of our partner companies, and often the future employers of our students, are international project managers looking for skilled engineers who will have acquired the fundamentals of intercultural management and advanced understanding of leadership.
Mastère Spécialisé® Mathématiques appliquées à la finance
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The aim of this program is to train engineers who can manipulate high-level concepts and mathematical and financial techniques, enabling them to access high added-value trades. It prepares students for their future professions by encouraging them to acquire solid theoretical foundations as well as effective mathematical and financial techniques, while also encouraging them to take on responsibilities and to participate in teamwork, initiating them through a constant contact with the professional world throughout the course.
Mastère Spécialisé® Management industriel projet et supply chain
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The objective of this course is to gain a global vision of industrial activity. It enables you to understand and concretely experience development, industrialization and production of a product – from the emergence of the idea right through to its mass production – and to exercise sound and recognized professional skills in project and supply chain management. Industrial engineering is essential for industrial excellence: at the intersection of engineering sciences, economic sciences and human and social sciences, it provides a global vision of engineering in business.
Mastère Spécialisé® Management des Systèmes d'Information
Mastère Spécialisé® Systèmes embarqués
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The objective of this training program is to train embedded systems engineers of the highest level, able to take up the technological challenges of the future. Embedded systems generally implement support material in a coherent and integrated manner, real-time software, automation functions, sensors and actuators. This Specialized Master’s® offers a systems approach that enables student engineers to optimally integrate the various components and objectives to offer a wide range of career opportunities in industry, service sectors and general public consumer applications. It addresses the needs of all industries using electronic and IT systems, which represent a major industrial sector with significant social and economic impact.
Mastère Spécialisé® Ingénierie des systèmes informatiques ouverts
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Cloud computing, big data, mobility – all are evolutions that have completely changed our way of perceiving IT. Social networks, which didn’t exist 10 years ago, have revolutionized our way of communicating, of understanding professional relationships, and have become a precious source of information for companies. The CentraleSupélec Open Information Systems Engineering Specialized Master’s® teaches you how to master this new panorama of cutting-edge technologies. Once you have completed this comprehensive and ambitious training program, you will have become a recognized expert in managing these profound transformations. Your objective merges with ours: to join the ranks of decision makers who will lead and manage change.
Mastères Spécialisé® Technologie et Management
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The Technology and Management Specialized Master’s® is a scientific training program reserved exclusively for management and economics graduates. This is the only training program that offers technological courses for higher education graduates in management who wish to enter business sectors where technology and innovation are central.