Yannick Perez

yannick.perez [at] centralesupelec.fr
Résumé :
- My research interest is on Market Design. Over the past two decades, economic research and ideas have played an increased role in the practical organization and design of markets. Some examples include auctions for spectrum, electricity, tradable permit systems for pollution abatement and other environmental regulations, market mechanisms for innovation. In each of these cases, both theory and empirical and experimental research have influenced the design of market institutions. 'Market design' examines the reasons why markets institutions fail and considers the properties of alternative mechanisms, in terms of efficiency, fairness, incentives, and complexity. Research on market design is influenced by ideas from industrial organization and microeconomic theory, it brings together theoretical, empirical, and experimental methods, with an aim of studying policy-relevant tradeoffs with practical consequences.
Mots clés :
- Economie de l'énergie ; Market Design ; Electromobilité
Publications :
- Article dans une revue - 66 documents
- M.O. Metais, Oualid Jouini, Y. Perez, J. Berrada. From user to operator: Rationalizing the charging infrastructure deployment. A case study of Berlin, 2024-12. (https://hal.science/hal-04682886v1)
- Icaro Silvestre Freitas Gomes, Adam Abdin, Jakob Puchinger, Yannick Perez. Unlocking Flexible Electric Vehicle Charging via New Rate Design, 2024-07. (https://hal.science/hal-04176489v1)
- Wale Arowolo, Yannick Perez. Rapid decarbonisation of Paris, Lyon and Marseille's power, transport and building sectors by coupling rooftop solar PV and electric vehicles, 2023-06. (https://hal.science/hal-03903598v1)
- Alejandro Rojano-Padrón, Marc Olivier Metais, Francisco Ramos-Real, Yannick Perez. Tenerife’s Infrastructure Plan for Electromobility: A MATSim Evaluation, 2023-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03953741v1)
- Wale Arowolo, Yannick Perez. Which developing countries are ripe for electric vehicle investment? An analytical framework, 2023. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03987449v1)
- Rémi Lauvergne, Yannick Perez, Mathilde Françon, Alberto Tejeda de la Cruz. Integration of electric vehicles into transmission grids: A case study on generation adequacy in Europe in 2040, 2022-11. (https://hal.science/hal-03936030v1)
- Rémi Lauvergne, Yannick Perez, Alberto Tejeda. Modeling electric vehicle charging patterns: A review, 2022-09-01. (https://hal.science/hal-04297535v1)
- Yannick Perez, Carine Staropoli. Mobilités décarbonées : une transformation au milieu du gué, 2022-09. (https://hal.science/hal-04157581v1)
- Olfa Tlili, Christine Mansilla, Martin Robinius, David Severin Ryberg, Dilara Gülcin Caglayan, Jochen Linssen, Jean André, Yannick Perez, Detlef Stolten. Downscaling of future national capacity scenarios of the French electricity system to the regional level, 2022-02. (https://cea.hal.science/cea-03994700v1)
- Arthur Lynch, Yannick Perez, Sophie Gabriel, Gilles Mathonniere. Nuclear fleet flexibility: Modeling and impacts on power systems with renewable energy, 2022. (https://hal.science/hal-03936037v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Plug-in behavior of electric vehicles users: Insights from a large-scale trial and impacts for grid integration studies, 2021-11. (https://hal.science/hal-03363782v1)
- Icaro Silvestre Freitas Gomes, Yannick Perez, Emilia Suomalainen. Rate design with distributed energy resources and electric vehicles: A Californian case study, 2021-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03522034v2)
- Yannick Perez, Wale Arowolo. Integration of electromobility with the electric power systems: The key challenges, 2021-09. (https://hal.science/hal-03363799v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez Venegas, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Active integration of electric vehicles into distribution grids: Barriers and frameworks for flexibility services, 2021-07. (https://hal.science/hal-03415647v1)
- Icaro Silvestre Freitas Gomes, Yannick Perez, Emilia Suomalainen. Coupling small batteries and PV generation: A review, 2020-07. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02860034v1)
- Wale Arowolo, Yannick Perez. Market Reform in the Nigeria power sector: A review of the issues and potential solutions, 2020-06-04. (https://hal.science/hal-03903660v1)
- Andrew Thompson, Yannick Perez. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) energy services, value streams, and regulatory policy implications, 2020-02. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02860026v1)
- Olfa Tlili, Christine Mansilla, Jochen Linβen, Markus Reuss, Thomas Grube, Martin Robinius, Jean André, Yannick Perez, Alain Le Duigou, Detlef Stolten. Geospatial modelling of the hydrogen infrastructure in France in order to identify the most suited supply chains, 2020-01-24. (https://hal.science/hal-02421359v1)
- Quentin Hoarau, Yannick Perez. Network tariff design with prosumers and electromobility: Who wins, who loses?, 2019-09. (https://hal.science/hal-02265823v1)
- Olfa Tlili, Christine Mansilla, David Frimat, Yannick Perez. Hydrogen market penetration feasibility assessment: Mobility and natural gas markets in the US, Europe, China and Japan, 2019-06. (https://hal.science/hal-02265824v1)
- Olfa Tlili, Christine Mansilla, Martin Robinius, Konstantinos Syranidis, Markus Reuss, Jochen Linssen, Jean André, Yannick Perez, Detlef Stolten. Role of electricity interconnections and impact of the geographical scale on the French potential of producing hydrogen via electricity surplus by 2035, 2019-04. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02011884v1)
- Olfa Tlili, Christine Mansilla, Martin Robinius, Konstantinos Syranidis, Markus Reuss, Jochen Linssen, Jean André, Yannick Perez, Detlef Stolten. Role of electricity interconnections and impact of the geographical scale on the French potential of producing hydrogen via electricity surplus by 2035, 2019-04. (https://hal.science/hal-02421449v1)
- Wale Arowolo, Philipp Blechinger, Catherina Cader, Yannick Perez. Seeking workable solutions to the electrification challenge in Nigeria: Minigrid, reverse auctions and institutional adaptation, 2019-01-10. (https://hal.science/hal-03903702v1)
- Wale Arewolo, Philipp Blechinger, Catherina Cader, Yannick Perez. Seeking workable solutions to the electrification challenge in Nigeria: Minigrid, reverse auctions and institutional adaptation, 2019-01. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01989683v1)
- Francisco Javier Ramos-Real, Alfredo A Ramírez-Díaz, Gustavo A Marrero, Yannick Perez. Willingness to pay for electric vehicles in island regions: The case of Tenerife (Canary Islands), 2018-12. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01980622v1)
- Francisco Javier Ramos-Real, Josue Barrera-Santana, Alfredo A Ramírez-Díaz, Yannick Perez. Interconnecting isolated electrical systems. The case of Canary Islands, 2018-11. (https://hal.science/hal-01870904v1)
- Quentin Hoarau, Yannick Perez. Interactions between electric mobility and photovoltaic generation : A review, 2018-10. (https://hal.science/hal-01870910v1)
- Olivier Borne, Yannick Perez, Marc Petit. Market integration or bids granularity to enhance flexibility provision by batteries of electric vehicles, 2018-08. (https://hal.science/hal-01783927v1)
- Maria Rodríguez-Brito, Alfredo A Ramírez-Díaz, Francisco Javier Ramos-Real, Yannick Perez. Psychosocial Traits Characterizing EV Adopters’ Profiles: The Case of Tenerife (Canary Islands), 2018-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01870908v1)
- P Codani, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Innovation et règles inefficaces : le cas des véhicules électriques, 2018-06. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01980639v1)
- Carole Donada, Yannick Perez. Editorial 2018, 2018. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01980648v1)
- Yannick Perez. Blockchain et applications dans le secteur électrique : opportunités et boîtes noires, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-04297555v1)
- Miguel Vazquez, Michelle Hallack, Yannick Perez. The dynamics of institutional and organisational change in emergent industries: the case of electric vehicles, 2018. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01980625v1)
- Olivier Borne, Klaas Korte, Yannick Perez, Marc Petit, Alexandra Purkus. Barriers to entry in frequency-regulation services markets: Review of the status quo and options for improvements, 2018-01. (https://hal.science/hal-01660219v1)
- Yannick Perez, Tahamina Khanam, Abul Rahman, Blas Mola-Yudego, Paavo Pelkonen, Jouni Pykäläinen. Achievable or unbelievable? Expert perceptions of the European Union targets for emissions, renewables, and efficiency, 2017-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01660220v1)
- Cherrelle Eid, Paul Codani, Yannick Perez, Javier Reneses, Rudi Hakvoort. Managing Distributed Energy Resources in a Smart Grid Environment: A review for incentives, aggregation and market design, 2016-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01338683v1)
- Paul Codani, Pierre-Louis Le Portz, Pierre Claverie, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Coupling local renewable energy production with electric vehicle charging: a survey of the French case, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01660228v1)
- Paul Codani, Yannick Perez, Marc Petit. Financial Shortfall for Electric Vehicles: economic impacts of Transmission System Operators market designs, 2016. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01346860v1)
- Carole Donada, Yannick Perez. Editorial: Electromobility at the crossroads, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01424641v1)
- Paul Codani, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Participation of an electric vehicle fleet to primary frequency control in France, 2015. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01266877v1)
- Gustavo A Marrero, Yannick Perez, Marc Petit, Francisco Javier Ramos-Real. Electric vehicle fleet contributions for isolated systems. The case of the Canary Islands, 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01424629v1)
- Carole Donada, Yannick Perez. Editorial, 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01660231v1)
- Vincent Rious, Yannick Perez, Fabien Roques. Which electricity market design to encourage the development of demand response?, 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01286331v1)
- Carole Donada, Yannick Perez. Editorial of the 2015 special issue about Electromobility, 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01424757v1)
- Willett Kempton, Yannick Perez, Marc Petit. Public Policy for Electric Vehicles and for Vehicle to GridPower*, 2014-12-30. (https://hal.science/hal-01783940v1)
- Yannick Perez, Carine Staropoli. Transition Energétique, industries et marchés, 2014. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01145447v1)
- Yannick Perez, Vincent Rious. Review of supporting scheme for island powersystem storage, 2014-01. (https://hal.science/hal-01660223v1)
- Yannick Perez, Carine Staropoli. Quelle politique industrielle pour la transition énergétique ?, 2014. (https://hal.science/hal-01660424v1)
- Jean-Michel Glachant, Haikel Khalfallah, Yannick Perez, Vincent Rious, Marcelo Saguan. Implementing incentive regulation through an alignment with resource bounded regulators, 2013. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00767872v1)
- Vincent Rious, Yannick Perez, Jean-Michel Glachant. Power Transmission Network Investment as an Anticipation Problem, 2011. (https://hal.science/hal-01424616v1)
- Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez. L’analyse économique appliquée à la problématique des effacements diffus contribution au débat de l’affaire CRE-Voltalis, 2010. (https://hal.science/hal-01660426v1)
- Yannick Perez, Francisco Javier Ramos-Real. The public promotion of wind energy in Spain from the transaction costs perspective 1986–2007, 2009-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660234v1)
- Marcelo Saguan, Yannick Perez, Jean-Michel Glachant. L’architecture de marchés électriques : l’indispensable marché du temps réel d’électricité, 2009. (https://hal.science/hal-01424601v1)
- Yannick Perez, Francisco Javier Ramos-Real. The public promotion of renewable energies sources in the electricity industry from the Transaction Costs perspective. The Spanish case, 2009. (https://hal.science/hal-01660430v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. L'insuffisance des signaux de localisation pour la coordination entre la production et le transport d'électricité dans les systèmes électriques libéralisés, 2009. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00422149v1)
- Yannick Perez, Jean-Michel Glachant, Ute Dubois. Deregulating with no regulator: Is the German electricity transmission regime institutionally correct?, 2008-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660232v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. The diversity of design of TSOs, 2008. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00339836v1)
- Yannick Perez, Francisco Javier Ramos-Real. How to Make A European Market in Small and Isolated Electricity Systems? The Case of Canary Islands, 2008. (https://hal.science/hal-01660439v1)
- Yannick Perez, Francisco Javier Ramos. Desintegración vertical y regulación del subsistema eléctrico canario, 2007. (https://hal.science/hal-01424535v1)
- Dominique Finon, Yannick Perez. Transactional Efficiency and Public Promotion of Environmental Technologies: The Case of Renewable Energies in the Electric Industry, 2007. (https://hal.science/hal-01660443v1)
- Yannick Perez. La gestion de l'incertitude et de l'opportunisme dans les décisions publiques Les enseignements des réformes électriques concurrentielles, 2006. (https://hal.science/hal-04297587v1)
- Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Hans Auer, Haas Reinhard, Nenad Keseric. The Liberalisation of the Continental European Electricity Market - Lessons Learned, 2006. (https://hal.science/hal-01660447v1)
- Didier Chabaud, Parthenay Claude, Yannick Perez. L'évolution de l’analyse northienne des institutions : la prise en compte des idéologies, 2005-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660450v1)
- didier chabaud, Parthenay Claude, Yannick Perez. Environnement institutionnel et trajectoire des entreprises : une analyse northienne de l’industrie électrique, 2005. (https://hal.science/hal-04297605v1)
- Yannick Perez. Credibility as a trade off' in electricity industries, a first evaluation, 2005. (https://hal.science/hal-01424509v1)
- Didier Chabaud, Parthenay Claude, Yannick Perez. Environnement institutionnel et trajectoire des entreprises, une analyse northienne de l'industrie électrique, 2005. (https://hal.science/hal-01660452v1)
- Communication dans un congrès - 132 documents
- Diego Cebreros, Yannick Perez. Data management and EV : Exploring business case for Energy and mobility solutions, 2024-11-11. (https://hal.science/hal-04830303v1)
- Yannick Perez. Data management and EV : Exploring business case for Energy and mobility solutions, 2024-07-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04830306v1)
- Yannick Perez. Transition énergétique, un panorama technico-économique, 2024-07-02. (https://hal.science/hal-04830309v1)
- Diego Cebreros, Yannick Perez. Data management and EV : Exploring business case for Energy and mobility solutions, 2024-06-15. (https://hal.science/hal-04830313v1)
- Yannick Perez. Damages to nature: An Economic Point of View, 2023-11-02. (https://hal.science/hal-04297516v1)
- Yannick Perez. Introducing renewables in power systems : opportunities and challenges, 2023-11-01. (https://hal.science/hal-04307828v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electric Vehicles Economics: Managing the adaptation of energy and mobility systems, 2023-07-06. (https://hal.science/hal-04307823v1)
- Yannick Perez. Using EVs to Provide Grid Electric Services: Regulatory Challenges, 2023-05-16. (https://hal.science/hal-04307778v1)
- Yannick Perez. Using EVs… to do what?, 2023-04-15. (https://hal.science/hal-04307782v1)
- Alexis Lebeau, Marie Petitet, Marcelo Saguan, Simon Quemin, Yannick Perez, Olivier Massol. Exploring the Mechanics of Hybrid Markets in a Context of Deep Decarbonization, 2022-09-21. (https://hal.science/hal-04305826v1)
- Marie Girod, Efthymios Karangelos, Emily Little, Viktor Terrier, Jean-Yves Bourmaud, Virginie Dussartre, Oualid Jouini, Yannick Perez. Improving cross-border capacity for near real-time balancing, 2022-09-13. (https://hal.science/hal-03894205v1)
- Adrienne de Bazelaire, Kutluhan Pak, Vincent Rious, Yannick Perez, Olivier Massol. Power network planning with flexibility under long-term renewable capacity and location uncertainties, 2022-09-13. (https://hal.science/hal-04371946v1)
- Yannick Perez. Using EVs to Provide Grid Electric Services: Regulatory Challenges, 2022-06-02. (https://hal.science/hal-04307820v1)
- Yannick Perez. EVs and Renewables : VtoX opportunities, 2022-05-12. (https://hal.science/hal-04307785v1)
- Yannick Perez. Economics of Electric Mobility: Utilities and Electric mobility a first look, 2022-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04307794v1)
- Yannick Perez. EVs, Renewables and Islands, 2022-04-28. (https://hal.science/hal-04307816v1)
- Yannick Perez. Using EVs to Provide Grid Electric Services: Regulatory Challenges, 2022-02-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04307839v1)
- Yannick Perez. Nuclear and renewables for Electricity Generation?, 2022-02-01. (https://hal.science/hal-04307844v1)
- Yannick Perez. Nuclear for Electricity Generation? French And German Energy Policy Choices, 2022-01-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04307846v1)
- Alexis Lebeau, Marie Petitet, Marcelo Saguan, Olivier Massol, Yannick Perez. Long term market design for the electricity sector, 2021-11-11. (https://hal.science/hal-04319317v1)
- Yannick Perez. Using EVs to Provide Grid Electric Services: Regulatory Challenges, 2021-09-21. (https://hal.science/hal-04307851v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Simon Meunier, Christina Protopapadaki, Yannick Perez, Dirk Saelens, Marc Petit. Impact of distributed energy resources and electric vehicle smart charging on low voltage grid stability, 2021-09-20. (https://hal.science/hal-03420069v1)
- Yannick Perez. Métropole solaire et mobilité électrique individuelle : Une étude de cas sur Paris, Lyon et Marseille, 2021-09. (https://hal.science/hal-04307852v1)
- Yannick Perez. Using EVs to Provide Grid Electric Services: Regulatory Challenges. Dans la nouvelle dynamique des industries de réseaux., 2021-07-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04307855v1)
- Icaro Silvestre Freitas Gomes, Adam Abdin, Jakob Puchinger, Yannick Perez. Is one meter enough? Assessing the impacts of domestic electric vehicle-only rate adoption via submetering., 2021-06-07. (https://hal.science/hal-03339029v1)
- Yannick Perez. FIME seminar: Rate design with distributed energy resources and electric vehicles: A Californian case study., 2021-02-12. (https://hal.science/hal-04307860v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility. A review of the last 10 years of research., 2021-01-26. (https://hal.science/hal-04307849v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Quantifying the participation of electric vehicle fleets in local flexibility tenders, 2020-09-22. (https://hal.science/hal-03420077v1)
- Marc-Olivier Metais, O. Jouini, Yannick Perez, Jaâfar Berrada, Emilia Suomalainen. Planning EV Charging Infrastructures : A Literature Review, 2020-09-16. (https://hal.science/hal-03127577v1)
- Armand Peugeot, Yannick Perez. EV and mobility issues, 2020-05-06. (https://hal.science/hal-02990191v1)
- Yannick Perez. Using EVs to Provide Grid Electric Services: Regulatory Challenges, 2019-12-11. (https://hal.science/hal-02464687v1)
- Bassem Haidar, Pascal da Costa, Jan Lepoutre, Yannick Perez. Charging infrastructure projects: did they really boost the French electric vehicle market?, 2019-12-05. (https://hal.science/hal-02429480v1)
- Bassem Haidar, Pascal da Costa, Jan Lepoutre, Yannick Perez. Charging infrastructure projects: did they really boost the French electric vehicle market?, 2019-10-10. (https://hal.science/hal-02431010v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Impact of non-systematic electric vehicle charging behaviour on a distribution substation, 2019-09-29. (https://hal.science/hal-02283344v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Can DERs fully participate in emerging local flexibility tenders?, 2019-09-18. (https://hal.science/hal-02283348v1)
- Bassem Haidar, Pascal da Costa, Jan Lepoutre, Yannick Perez. Corri-door project: did it really boost the french electric vehicle market?, 2019-08-25. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02438211v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Electric Vehicles as Flexibility Providers for Distribution Systems. A Techno-Economic Review., 2019-06-03. (https://hal.science/hal-02283355v1)
- Yannick Perez. Innovations et nouveaux usages de l'électricité, 2018-12-19. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051374v1)
- Yannick Perez. Market design for Electromobility, 2018-11. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051367v1)
- Yannick Perez. Challenges of E-mobility and the grids, 2018-10-23. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051337v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Provision of Frequency-Containment-Reserve by Electric Vehicles: Impact of Technical Requirements, 2018-10-21. (https://hal.science/hal-01949311v1)
- Yannick Perez. Challenges of E-mobility, 2018-10-14. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051326v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility challenges for innoavators, 2018-10-04. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051400v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility challenges for electricity regulators, 2018-09-14. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051358v1)
- Quentin Hoarau, Yannick Perez. Quels tarifs pour le développement conjoint du PV et des VE?, 2018-09-05. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051419v1)
- Quentin Hoarau, Yannick Perez. Quels tarifs pour le développement conjoint du PV et des VE?, 2018-07. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051353v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Net-Present-Value Analysis for Bidirectional EV Chargers Providing Frequency Containment Reserve, 2018-06-27. (https://hal.science/hal-01949310v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez, Paul Codani. Valorisation de la flexibilité des flottes de VE pour la gestion optimale d’un réseau de distribution, 2018-06-25. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051406v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility challenges: VtoX experiments, 2018-06-10. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02050228v1)
- Yannick Perez. VtoX: Taking Stocks, Looking Ahead, 2018-06. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051345v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility challenges: VtoX experiments, 2018-06. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051307v1)
- Yannick Perez. Economie politique du VE en France, 2018-04-03. (https://shs.hal.science/halshs-02051313v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility and Energy transition : a Review, 2017-11-20. (https://hal.science/hal-01660288v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility: Tacking Stock, Looking Ahead, 2017-11-10. (https://hal.science/hal-01660286v1)
- Yannick Perez. ACER White papers about DSOs An economic point of view, 2017-10-27. (https://hal.science/hal-01660280v1)
- Yannick Perez. Trying to push for innovation between two industries: the VtoX experiment, 2017-09-28. (https://hal.science/hal-01660284v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Market integration vs temporal granularity: How to provide needed flexibility resources?, 2017-09-26. (https://hal.science/hal-01949312v1)
- Paul Codani, Lesly Cassin, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Increasing Power System Reserve Capacities by changing the reserve market design: the case of Electric Vehicle fleets, 2017-07-13. (https://hal.science/hal-01660260v1)
- Yannick Perez. EV fleets and Grids, 2017-06-16. (https://hal.science/hal-01660257v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Market integration VS temporal granularity: How to provide needed flexibility resources?, 2017-06-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660480v1)
- Paul Codani, Lesly Cassin, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Increasing Power System Reserve Capacities by changing the reserve market design: the case of Electric Vehicle fleets, 2017-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660259v1)
- Yannick Perez. L’intégration des flottes de véhicules électriques dans les marchés de réserves de capacité., 2017-05-31. (https://hal.science/hal-01660255v1)
- Yurong Chen, Carole Donada, Yannick Perez, Shamsud D Chowdhury. Mirroring Hypothesis and Integrality in the Electric Vehicle Industry: Evidence from Tesla Motors., 2017-05-29. (https://hal.science/hal-01656327v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility: some new business models in development, 2017-05-23. (https://hal.science/hal-01660245v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Market Integration VS Time Granularity: How to provide needed flexibility resources, 2017-05-22. (https://hal.science/hal-01660357v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility: Taking stock Looking head, 2017-05-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660247v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electricity regulation, 2017-02-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660362v1)
- Yannick Perez. Energy Efficiency and power systems, 2017-02. (https://hal.science/hal-01660359v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobilité : Bilan et perspectives, 2017-01-28. (https://hal.science/hal-01660253v1)
- Yannick Perez. VtoX: Taking Stocks, Looking Ahead, 2017-01-13. (https://hal.science/hal-01660249v1)
- Yannick Perez. Coevolution of institutions and technology: The case of electric vehicles, 2016-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01660327v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Provision of frequency-regulation reserves by distributed energy resources: Best practices and barriers to entry, 2016-12-01. (https://hal.science/hal-01660365v1)
- Yannick Perez. Incentives versus renegotiation: Contract theory and electricity distribution tariffs in presence of innovation, 2016-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01660329v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Frequency-Regulation Reserves by DERs: barriers to entry and options for their resolution, 2016-10-26. (https://hal.science/hal-01660368v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Frequency-Regulation Reserves by DERs: barriers to entry and options for their resolution, 2016-10-17. (https://hal.science/hal-01660369v1)
- Yannick Perez. Une analyse économique de la disposition à payer des consommateurs pour les véhicules électriques, 2016-10-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660293v1)
- Vincent Rious, Fabien Roques, Yannick Perez. Which electricity market design to encourage the development of demand response?, 2016-06-15. (https://hal.science/hal-01660295v1)
- Olivier Borne, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Provision of frequency-regulation reserves by distributed energy resources: Best practices and barriers to entry, 2016-06-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660481v1)
- Yannick Perez. Le futur de l'automobile: Couplage Véhicules Electriques et Renouvelables, 2016-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660299v1)
- Yannick Perez. Marché de l’électricité en France et en Europe : quelles tendances et opportunités business ?, 2016-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660296v1)
- Yannick Perez. Le futur de l'automobile: Couplage Véhicules Electriques et Renouvelables, 2016-05-25. (https://hal.science/hal-01660301v1)
- Yannick Perez. Coordinating the Energiewende: Regulatory challenges, trade-offs and responses, 2016-03-15. (https://hal.science/hal-01660319v1)
- Yannick Perez. The future of electric vehicle industry 2030-2040 An EU Perspective, 2016-03. (https://hal.science/hal-01660302v1)
- Yannick Perez. Incentives versus adaptation: The need for new electricity distribution tariffs in presence of innovation, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01660322v1)
- Yannick Perez. The dynamics of institutional and organizational change in emergent industries: The case of electric vehicles, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01660324v1)
- Yannick Perez. Law and Economics in Energy markets, 2015-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01660330v1)
- Yannick Perez. Grid Integrated Vehicles : Coordination issues, 2015-11-25. (https://hal.science/hal-01660331v1)
- Yannick Perez. Les Véhicules électriques connectés, opportunités et contraintes, 2015-11-18. (https://hal.science/hal-01660332v1)
- Yannick Perez. VtoX in France : Challenges and opportunities, 2015-10-26. (https://hal.science/hal-01660334v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility : taking stocks looking ahead, 2015-10-22. (https://hal.science/hal-01660335v1)
- Katarina Knezovic, Mattia Marinelli, Yannick Perez, Paul Codani. Distribution Grid Services and Flexibility Provision by Electric Vehicles: a Review of Options, 2015-09-01. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01266937v1)
- Yannick Perez. Missing money for EVs: economics impacts of TSO market designs, 2015-06-20. (https://hal.science/hal-01660344v1)
- Cherrelle Eid, Paul Codani, Yurong Chen, Yannick Perez, Rudi Hakvoort. Aggregation of demand side flexibility in a smart grid: A review for European market design, 2015-05-20. (https://hal.science/hal-01230914v1)
- Cherrelle Eid, Paul Codani, Yurong Chen, Yannick Perez, Rudi Hakvoort. Aggregation of demand side flexibility in a smart grid: A review for European market design, 2015-05-19. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01266912v1)
- Paul Codani, Yannick Perez. V2X applications: a glance at regulatory issues, 2015-04-14. (https://hal.science/hal-01660347v1)
- Yannick Perez. Regards croisés sur la politique énergétique européenne, 2015-04-01. (https://hal.science/hal-01660348v1)
- Yannick Perez. Renewable inclusion in Energy markets, 2015-02-07. (https://hal.science/hal-01660361v1)
- Yannick Perez. Electromobility : taking stocks looking ahead, 2015-02-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660350v1)
- Yannick Perez. Policy options for the promotion of electric vehicles: A review, 2015-02-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660351v1)
- Yannick Perez. Willingness to pay for the electric vehicle and their attributes in Canary Islands, 2015-02-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660354v1)
- Yannick Perez. Missing money for EVs: economics impacts of TSO market designs, 2015-02-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660352v1)
- Yurong Chen, Yannick Perez. Business Model Design: Lessons Learned from Tesla Motors, 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01424723v1)
- Yannick Perez. Willingness to pay for the electric vehicle and their attributes in Canary Islands, 2014-12-19. (https://hal.science/hal-01660372v1)
- Yannick Perez. Policy options for the promotion of electric vehicles: A review, 2014-12-19. (https://hal.science/hal-01660373v1)
- Paul Codani, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Missing money for EVs: economics impacts of TSO market designs, 2014-11-21. (https://hal.science/hal-01660375v1)
- Paul Codani, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Public Policy Strategies for Electric Vehicles and for Vehicle to Grid Power, 2014-09-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01660378v1)
- Paul Codani, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Participation d'une flotte de véhicules électriques au réglage primaire de fréquence, 2014-07-08. (https://hal.science/hal-01065177v1)
- Paul Codani, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Diversity of transmission system operators for Grid Integrated Vehicles, 2014-05-28. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01086506v1)
- Yannick Perez. Comments on « A pan-European Cost Benefit Analysis methodology for the modular development plan of the pan-European transmission network at 2050, 2014-03-20. (https://hal.science/hal-01660383v1)
- Yannick Perez. Quelle politique publique pour les véhicules électriques?, 2013-12-03. (https://hal.science/hal-01660385v1)
- Yannick Perez. Les réseaux électriques intelligents, un regard d’économiste, 2013-12-03. (https://hal.science/hal-01660384v1)
- Yannick Perez. Quelles propositions de réforme des politiques publiques françaises pour l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments existants?, 2013-11-27. (https://hal.science/hal-01660388v1)
- Yannick Perez. Coordination of EV fleet charging with distributed generation to reduce constraints on distribution networks, 2013-11. (https://hal.science/hal-01660394v1)
- Yannick Perez. Public Policy Strategies for Electric Vehicles and for Vehicle to Grid Power, 2013-11. (https://hal.science/hal-01660390v1)
- Yannick Perez. Quelles propositions de réforme des politiques publiques françaises pour l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments existants, 2013-09-24. (https://hal.science/hal-01660401v1)
- Yannick Perez. Quels fondements théoriques à la libéralisation des industries de réseaux?, 2013-09-13. (https://hal.science/hal-01660403v1)
- Yannick Perez. Quelle évaluation des modèles réglementaires dans l’industrie électrique?, 2013-09-10. (https://hal.science/hal-01660405v1)
- Vincent Rious, Yannick Perez. Zoom sur l'intégration économique de véhicules rechargeables dans un système électrique, 2013-07-01. (https://hal.science/hal-01660396v1)
- Yannick Perez. Which market design to see the development of demand response in an all-market context?, 2013-06-20. (https://hal.science/hal-01660397v1)
- Yannick Perez. Quelles propositions de réforme des politiques publiques françaises pour l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments existants?, 2013-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01660406v1)
- Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Vehicle-to-grid in France: what revenues for participation in frequency control, 2013-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01660399v1)
- Yannick Perez. Gas and Electricity: which design for two increasingly interacting markets? A theoretical approach, 2013-03-20. (https://hal.science/hal-01660408v1)
- Yannick Perez. Public Policy Strategies for Electric Vehicles and for Vehicle to Grid Power, 2013-03-19. (https://hal.science/hal-01660410v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. The role of transmission investment in the coordination between generation and transmission in the liberalized power systems, 2009-06-21. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00423036v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. The role of transmission investment in the coordination between generation and transmission in the liberalized power systems, 2009-06-18. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00429034v1)
- Didier Chabaud, Claude Parthenay, Yannick Perez. Comment aborder l'interdisciplinarité de l'économie des organisations ?, 2009. (https://hal.science/hal-01424613v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. Anticipation for Efficient Electricity Transmission Network Investments, 2008-11-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00339254v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. The role of transmission investment in the coordination between generation and transmission in the liberalized power systems, 2008-10-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00339325v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. Le rôle de l'investissement réseaux dans la coordination entre la production et le transport d'électricité dans les systèmes électriques libéralisés, 2008-09-18. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00344567v1)
- Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. The diversity of design of TSOs, 2008-07-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00318518v1)
- Vincent Rious, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. Is combination of nodal pricing and average participation tariff the best solution to coordinate the location of power plants with lumpy transmission investments?, 2008-06-20. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00323878v1)
- Vincent Rious, Yannick Perez, Philippe Dessante. The efficiency of short run and long run locational signals to coordinate generation location with lumpy transmission investments, 2008-06-18. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00339505v1)
- Pré-publication, Document de travail - 6 documents
- Diego Cebreros, Jan Lepoutre, Yannick Perez. Design of Green IS for electric systems: An information flow perspective, 2023-12-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04322910v1)
- Arthur Lynch, Gilles Mathonnière, Sophie Gabriel, Yannick Perez. Nuclear generation and flexibility in renewables-driven electric systems: Simulation and optimization models, 2022-01-12. (https://hal.science/hal-03523223v1)
- Marc-Olivier Metais, Yannick Perez. Infrastructure de recharge pour véhicules électriques : quels défis pour les territoires ?, 2021-02-04. (https://hal.science/hal-03131324v1)
- Marc-Olivier Metais, O. Jouini, Yannick Perez, Jaâfar Berrada, Emilia Suomalainen. Too much or not enough? Planning electric vehicle charging infrastructure: a review of modeling options., 2021-02-01. (https://hal.science/hal-03127266v1)
- Andrew W Thompson, Yannick Perez. Vehicle-to-Anything (V2X) Energy Services, Value Streams, and Regulatory Policy Implications, 2019-08-12. (https://hal.science/hal-02265826v1)
- Quentin Hoarau, Yannick Perez. INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ELECTRIC MOBILITY AND PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATION: A REVIEW, 2018-02-21. (https://hal.science/hal-01713968v1)
- Rapport - 7 documents
- Rachad Imane, Thomas Baltus, Yannick Perez. Enquête sur les possesseurs de véhicules électriques 2023, 2023-09-07. (https://hal.science/hal-04203313v1)
- Lou-Ann Guyomarc, Pierre Gonin, Yannick Perez. Enquête sur les possesseurs de véhicules électriques 2022, 2022-10-15. (https://hal.science/hal-03815525v1)
- Lou-Ann Guyomarc, Pierre Gonin, Yannick Perez. Enquête sur les possesseurs de véhicules électriques : comparaisons et évolutions 2020 -2022, 2022-10-14. (https://hal.science/hal-03815535v1)
- Icaro Silvestre Freitas Gomes, Adam Abdin, Jakob Puchinger, Yannick Perez. New electric vehicle charging rate design : an MPEC assessment, 2021-12-07. (https://hal.science/hal-03482176v1)
- Yannick Perez, Wale Arowolo. Economics of Electric Mobility: Utilities and Electric mobility, 2021-07. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03522048v1)
- Felipe Gonzalez, Marc Petit, Yannick Perez. Participation of electric vehicle fleets in local flexibility tenders: Analyzing barriers to entry and workable solutions, 2021-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03420072v1)
- Adrien Bonnet, Julianne Samuel, Yannick Perez. Enquête sur les possesseurs de véhicules électriques 2020, 2020-09-15. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02945738v1)
- ISSUE - 1 document
- Yannick Perez, Carine Staropoli. Les véhicules électriques, leviers pour une mobilité durable ?, 2022. (https://hal.science/hal-04465420v1)
- Autre publication - 4 documents
- Emily Little, Sandrine Bortolotti, Jean-Yves Bourmaud, Efthymios Karangelos, Yannick Perez. Optimal Transmission Topology for Facilitating the Growth of Renewable Power Generation, 2021-06-28. (https://hal.science/hal-03524147v1)
- Marc-Olivier Metais, O. Jouini, Yannick Perez, Jaâfar Berrada, Emilia Suomalainen. Planning charging infrastructure deployment: A new spatio-temporal model. Extended abstract for the Euro Working Group on Transportation 2021, 2021-01. (https://hal.science/hal-03127565v1)
- Christine Mansilla, Yannick Perez, Olfa Tlili. Systèmes à Hydrogène : Quels apports pour le système énergétique ?, 2016-11-07. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01770953v1)
- Yannick Perez, Vincent Rious. Comments on the paper “Economic Integration and Investment Incentives in Regulated Industries”, by E. Auriol, S. Biancini, 2009-04-01. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00428840v1)
- Chapitre d'ouvrage - 3 documents
- Yurong Chen, Yannick Perez. Business Model Design: Lessons Learned from Tesla Motors, 2018-07. (https://hal.science/hal-01655959v1)
- Yannick Perez, Marc Petit. Transmission System Operator Regulation for Electric Vehicle Fleets: A Survey of the Issues, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01424647v1)
- Paul Codani, Yannick Perez, Marc Petit. Electric Vehicles as a Mobile Storage Device, 2015. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01266925v1)
- HDR - 1 document
- Yannick Perez. Nouvelle Économie Institutionnelle, modularité et analyse des marchés électriques, 2015-06-30. (https://hal.science/tel-01708373v1)
- Ouvrage - 4 documents
- Yannick Perez. Editeur du numéro Spécial de la revue International Journal of Hydrid and Electric Vehicles Vol 7, N°3., 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01660421v1)
- Yannick Perez, Vincent Rious. Habitat : pour une transition énergétique ambitieuse, 2013. (https://hal.science/hal-01660455v1)
- Sébastien Leger, Yannick Perez. Pour des réseaux électriques intelligents, 2012. (https://hal.science/hal-01660457v1)
- Didier Chabaud, Jean-Michel Glachant, Parthenay Claude, Yannick Perez. Les grands auteurs en économie des organisations, 2008. (https://hal.science/hal-01424501v1)
- Thèse - 1 document
- Yannick Perez. L’économie néo-institutionnelle des réformes électriques européennes, 2002-12-14. (https://hal.science/tel-01660310v1)